Sparking a global phenomenon with Hip Hop’s most lovable and iconic character.
Working independently, outside the major label system, we brought together superstar talent, YouTube influencers, Hollywood magic makers, and a PR dream team to shine a light on police violence, immigration, media-based polarization, and censorship in America.
12+ Million
YouTube Views
1 Billion
Earned Media Impressions
Countries Reporting the Story
“I feel like it’s a lot of people making cool records, having fun, partying, but nobody’s dealing with the real issue with this f–king clown as president, and the shit that we dealing with out here, so I wanted to take time out to push pause on a party record and make one of these records for the time being.”
“When I watch it against other music videos, this one has a message and a story. It looks like a film. I’m just proud of the entire piece altogether.”
Video Production
Creative Direction
Influencer Marketing
Graphic Design
Music & Entertainment
Music Video
Lavender (Nightfall Remix)
The Brief
With Donald Trump's recent appointment as President, Snoop Dogg had a few things to say about the current state of affairs in the United States. In collaboration with YouTube prankster and Director, Jesse Wellens, the two artists hatched a plan to provoke an urgent conversation about the future of America with the hopes of bringing people together. All they needed was a team that could make their dream a reality, and fast!
Photo Courtesy of @josephllanes
The Plan
Creating a viral sensation that taps into the soul of the culture can only happen when all the stars align. It’s even better when you’ve got an elite team of professionals that know how to move heaven and earth and can bring the stars to you. We dug deep into our network and pulled together a world class film crew as well as a scratch team of actors, artists, designers, photographers, publicists, journalists.
Beyond the video, we put together a PR plan aimed at exposing how unreliable mainstream reporting had become and launched an ecommerce site selling limited edition hoodies with a portion of the proceeds going to the Gary Sinise Foundation.
The Results
When we began seeding our Press Release, the controversy already started brewing, earning 1 Billion impressions and garnering coverage in 65 countries. Once the satirical and surrealist video staring Michael Rapaport alongside Snoop dropped, we reached over 12 Million views in 1 week, with 217,000 likes, and 21,700 comments. Our ecommerce store sold over 10,000 Limited Edition Hoodies during its one month run.
In Collaboration with: Jesse Wellens, James DeFina, Selfish Entertainment, PPMG, Lee Levin, & Drew Kramer.
Photo courtesy of Jason Spira-Bauer